What is the Cost of Obamacare in Raleigh, NC?

What are the costs of health care plans offered under the Affordable Healthcare Marketplace for individuals or families who are currently uninsured or not covered by a job-based health plan.
What you’ll pay for a Marketplace plan depends on five things:
1. The level of coverage you choose
2. Whether you qualify for a subsidy
3. Where you live in North Carolina
4. Your age
5. Whether you smoke
More than 70% of people applying for coverage are entitled to some form of tax credit or subsidy. The lower your income, the larger the subsidy you will get.
When choosing a plan, it is important to not just look at premium price. Other factors like deductibles, out of pocket maximums, doctor networks and generally how frequently you use your insurance or things you need to consider.
An experienced Certified Marketplace Health Insurance agent like me is free to use. We get you the exact same rates as if you enroll on your own but we know the ins and outs of the all the Marketplace plans so we insure you get the right plan for you needs. We are also here for help down the road should you have any problems.
We can get you immediate quotes today,even with the government marketplace not working. We’re here to help.
Sherie Samstag Bryan
(919) 977-1272