Why Invest in Health Insurance?

Here are some common reasons/questions that get raised in discussing buying health insurance:

  1. I never get sick, why do I need it?  It is wonderful you are a healthy individual but if COVID 19 has taught us anything this year, that can change in an instant. Costs of hospitalization can easily run in the thousands of dollars.  Financial protection of your assets is the major reason you need insurance.

2.  Health Insurance is just too expensive!  Did you know over 70% of people qualify for subsidies to help pay for health insurance on the ACA. Isn’t it worth a few minutes to get an actual quote.

3. It is way to complicated to pick and plan and then do the application at Healthcare.gov.  Did you know agents are free to use? The price is the same if we enroll you or you do it yourself. We can help walk you through all the plans and pick out the best one for your individual needs.  Why not get the best advise and we do all the paperwork!

It’s time to stop making excuses. Just call us. We promise to make it easy!