Your Options

For those who do qualify for an ACA subsidy, that is almost always the best and most affordable insurance. BCBSNC is guaranteed issue and a great company. But what if your income is too high and you don’t qualify for the subsidy? In that case, we have several alternative options that are more affordable than standard ACA policies and may save you thousands of dollars per year while still staying compliant with the individual mandate law.

Are you self employed? Are you relatively healthy? You don’t take any expensive medications? If you qualify, there is a great new ACA compliant plan that provides free telemed care along with other qualified health care all at very affordable prices. Great doctor network and full preventative care included. We think it’s incredible!

If you are a Christian, we have some med-share plans you will love. Lower costs for leading a healthy lifestyle.

We also offer short term and many indemnity plans. These are great short term solutions but they are not ACA compliant and you could end up with a big tax bill at the end of the year. Make sure you understand all the risks to benefits on these plans.

There is not a one size fits all solution for health insurance these days. Only independent brokers can offer you this wide array of options. We work hard to stay on the leading edge of health insurance options. Call us today at (919) 926-0098 to see what we can do for you.

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