Difference B/t a Navigator and a Health Insurance Agent

Marketplace Certified Health Insurance Agents are licensed by the state of NC and are authorized by each health insurance company. Agents can tell you all the details about the actual health insurance plans. Navigators cannot help you pick actual insurance plans or tell you more than just general terms in a health insurance plan. When you call Healthcare.gov you are talking to a navigator not an agent. We think picking the right health insurance plan is the most important part!

Health Insurance agents can get you price quotes including your proposed subsidy before you have to register on the Marketplace . We both help you enroll in the Marketplace but health insurance agents are background checked and have high fiduciary standards and oversight. Agents am monitored by the NC Dept of Insurance. They have many hours more of training and experience. Navigators may not even be background checked yet you will give them sensitive personal information.

Health Insurance Agent services are free and they get you the exact same prices as if you did it yourself or use a navigator but they make sure you pick the right policy for your needs. Low price is rarely the best deal! They are also there down the line if you have any questions or problems.

So let’s recap. Heath Insurance agents are FREE to use, experts on the actual health insurance plans, get the exact same price as if you did it yourself or used a navigator, can do your enrollment for you, and are there long term if there are questions or problems. Definitely want to talk to a health insurance agent!  Call us today at (919) 977-1272.